Thursday, July 30, 2009


the gruff responses that i shove
the harsh and short and 
they all remind me of me when i am 
show me a pause button on the tv
the mute on the conversation in my book
the lovely rewind on the traffic light i ran
please just show me a way to make it so that i can listen to you
with all the love and attention you deserve,
and reply with sensical answers instead of 
"huh?"s and "yeah"s and "nope"s.
so that i can really
and not with 1/2 my focus.
i am frustrated with having to pause, but not because of you, because of 

fading into new

as this once i thought i knew
is coming unfurled and all things
i am shown to be forever true
to what
i do not know.
for just then i think i have shown it too.

allegiance to my skin
this sheen i was born in
but never can quite fit
upon this frame of face and heart that shifts
so quickly i cannot catch it.

burn me up and inside out
for all this life i shan't comprehend 
the beauty that lies within.
these souls He has shaped.

Friday, July 24, 2009

el sunza

as i venture farther away from you
and back into the depths of the shallows
of my life before you
i feel the force of your love beckoning me
my heart
to stay.

i recall so vividly
what i could not see until i was far away from you
in another place, the spin cycle of a washing machine life i know now
that part of my soul that america has muted 
was heard by you, turned up! and validated into being
for the beings there live the way
i was created to
crave to
feel most myself in.
this life of people and simplicity and trash in the streets and lawns and love.

you are grasped in my open palm
el sunza.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

july fountain from the night

i went out to look at the moon
it had a secret to tell me.
but i couldn't understand,
it was so bright.
not even true though, not even right
because everyone knows the moon doesn't have it's own
only reflects
and this confused me.  i could see it
i sought it out to hear
but i wasn't really there.  i was trying to tell myself a secret.
that was a lie, but i found my way back around to the truth
it was a short trip to the moon
but i understand the way it pushes back at me sometimes
the words i throw are just filled with empty
and the moon knows better.

i went out to look at the moon.
and it saw me.


one step forward
two steps back
this being stuck
stuck again
really gets old.

on my bread
because i forgot to eat it fast enough again.
this would not happen if i had more than me
to partake.

make me a sherry
and coke before i bust a rhyme that'll make you sing louder than me
my milkshake is better than yours.
i don't know why that song is stuck in my head

bed i sit on and think but not too hard
this is the worst i've written in a long time
but i'm posting it anyway because it
is my stream of consciousness and cannot be broken
until i get rid of this idea and 
put the junk in the trunk and close the lid
because it is way past my besttime my bedtime and this rhyme ain't doin it.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

on to the apologies

do you know?  this one little mistake
is eating me alive.
the guilt could survive on very little
does not need to be fed often
or more than once, really.
it can be left alone and unattended
yet it will flourish
not like a flower
or a carrot
but like a weed
a prickly, defensive cacti.
it consumes the smallest part of me that holds onto
regret and shame and dishonor
that i have strung up around my neck like
some pretty pearls.
but these are not to be adorned
or adored
they are to be shunned; blatantly reminds me of the 
choices i have made
not in that one mistake
but in every moment after ruing the decision plucked from a thought line
made only of and for myself.

this place is ugly.
i want to leave.  
but the only way out is where i entered.
through the regret and into the room i should have sauntered bravely into
the harbor that holds difficulty and peace side by side.
i cannot choose the easy life.
i cannot ever change that.  sorrys cannot make it better, but maybe they can make me think
more, next time.  will that the thoughts on the line be about them.  the others.  the ones i love
claim to
hold claim to
and push the block of self out of the way.
only with your strength god, only in my weakness.