Tuesday, October 27, 2009

experimental poetry (round 2)

celebrations of libations and moaning too far away and into the morning.
this emotion has lent itself one too many times
and i can see it to the door, thank you.

of ice and lollipops shoot across the yard in the middle of late summer
what might be a brief fall
flying through the cheese balls into the mouths of the waiting birds so patiently sitting.

of empty ones and new ones, yards in disarray and tidy fashion grass to fence to grass.
shower the other with care as much as you water your own or at the very least
relish it once a year with the christening of bare toes snuggled in the depths of its comfort.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

batch out

when these dollars and cents add up to
the sum total of my life's time
up to this
i find another reason to pause
and search for the best.
the very best.
what i have before me is nothing less than the unpredictable and
potentially very full life of
alone it is magnanimity.
with god it is magnificent even beyond my comprehension.
and this is why
i will never
can never allow myself to go it without the spirit which made me and lives in me still
this weakness, penchant for half-assed living due to it's easy nature
lends oneself to believe, nay, be clouded with, the vision of success.
but i have only succeeded when i have failed to live a life cloistered
a life uneven
with the keel
of the path
or the soft hewn planks of the stern
worn by the worried and frantic pacing during the storms.
nary a hair on my head goes uncounted.

these pennies and dimes will show me why
it is never the end or the change that results
but the moment in which i give it away.
let it never be me that settles.
for less.
than the best.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

ink on a roll

start out raw and tiny
unsure and hopeful that i will turn
into this giant thing i desperately want to

a small ball of string
that starts tipping, then slowly rocking and
on it's way to becoming
the biggest
ball of collected life stor(ies)y
ever in my history.

frankly my dear, i don't give a damn.

it's only ever been
about pushing
being pushed
into the shape
whatever it is
of something i am inside but cannot be
on my own.
i keep discovering little corners and bits of geometry
that i didn't know fit into my structure
but do.
oh, so well.
these sharp angles that keep poking out are preventing me from rolling,
but then,
i am finding
the stopping and slowing
is all this ink needs
to flow life into these dry bones.
green as a dandelion leaf.

dry spell

and spackle
when you just can't stop to breathe
and roll on the ground
for when you can't blink you need not hesitate
halt and lay down
lay it all down.
take a nap, take a rest, take a break.
rest up in the warm covers and the security that
god's got your back
and your front and your everything uncertain.
he's in the picture, he is the picture.
lord, when all i can think about are my failures you give me rest, peace, persuade me yet again with just a glance
that i am not lovely because of what i do. no not in the least.
i am loved by you and created to bring all that you have shoved in my soul to life simply because of what you are.

this war that wages in the blink of an eye in the conflict of middle battleground ceases when i drop my gun and raise my surrender
for you are always ready to jump in my stead
lead me away from the middle and give me perspective.

let the things i think on be noble and pure and a delight to your eyes, god. all of them.
i think,
therefore i am.
promise me this dry spell won't last, father. whatever it is, just promise me you'll be here speaking still.