Sunday, September 27, 2009


when you are loose so am i
who is it i have become in this evening, this time of less remembering?
memories that will not fade for me, but perhaps they will for you.
oh the odd freedom i feel, though clearly it is not i who has partaken

but i know this feeling
have felt it many times before with anyone who has
and it is strange that i should have shed the inhibitions yet
i have had none of what you have.
oh, we have switched places: you are the one talking loudly and about a myriad of subjects or at least one and quite in depth, ok or at least breadth, and it is i who has moved into the realm of bossiness and silliness and riskiness.
that is a lot of other ness' that i don't normally let out.
let go
to be
and embrace these thoughts of loose tongue.
because i am always the designated one
because i have made sure i am
i don't want to miss this lesson.
not at your expense, but for my own benefit.
i am selfish, really, if you think about it.
to be free and no one will remember what i say
except me.
well, and god. but i think he likes it.


i am not lonely yet we are not fanciful or starry eyed
this disruption is not too far away, in fact it is right in my face
see the look in my soul?
the window floats open on hinges always oiled
during the meeting i could tell you were coming
i knew the ground had shifted
how, i couldn't tell you
but then it surely had.

forever i have waited for this distinction
for words to come and go and be and be just so
that i do not know what they are
but that the truth must be spoken and if it is of the past present future the only thing that matters is that they are said
and in real time
not alone and sadly but with others who have not learned how to avoid patience having
and who listen and are with each other during everything. during life.
this disrupted notion is not contrived or a motion to move to a new place, new station
merely a grand scheme to move my contrite heart out of the cold and into the heat of the day
out of the shadows of just ho-hum and focus in the eye of the lens at the sun and risk my sight and my shutter and
as i have been

Monday, September 7, 2009

make the muscles of my face

make me do it again.
this laughter that spills out
the anticipation of the next moment...
i have never been good at keeping secrets
and i can't keep this one.
all will know i wrote that, drew a line that looked like a cat when i meant to form a monkey
but it's ok
it's fine
a perfect evening was never had
but the muscles in my face
are stronger
as is the laughter in my soul.
so thank you friendsandstrangers
my cheer is due to you.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

alphabet soup

fraught forlorn
eyes enter
near now
towards together.

yea, yell
mountains made
kids kairos
beauty besot.

stolen secrets
picture possession
laughter lightly
held higher.

awaken ardent
woeful wetness
crime committed
gregarious generosity.

fresh faces

and just like that
the night goes from
sad and pitiful
to understood and shared.
even though we haven't
spoken of what is on my

being with
a friend like you.
and old.
always kind and forever
ready to understand...
makes this dark ache
go to another place
i am not staying.

you have taken me
from myself
and given me
you. streams of gratitude.


if this is the way
of your cold finger
cold ear.
turn it away from me.

all that i have given and
all that i don't deserve,
all because i didn't want
you to be alone.
i can tell sometimes
you are afraid when
you're alone.
but there is a difference
between being along by
choice and being alone
because you cannot be with
i think you have taken
the latter and made it
your reason.

but we both know
you are never alone.
and that is why you
are giving me the cold
shoulder. you don't want to see.

Thursday, September 3, 2009


amidst the laughter and the glances
music and the pain of close but not close enough just yet
we sit
and eat pancakes and wonder
'is this the way we make friends?'.
i have said often i speak more than i listen and i have

make my ear one quick to listen
my heart a sponge for those i am around
make my arm a resting place for the weary
and this worthless back useful to carry those whose burdens outweigh them.
as a finger of you, god, let me lighten let me push
the corners of the frown into a hopeful glance.

make me a friend, father. one who truly jumps at the opportunity to BE with those that need to be WITHed.
i am anxious without you, and with you. i am heavy with the danger of letting my small mouth make the biggest blunder of all
by saying so much
that i fail to say anything
of love
of silence
of listening.
let's get together, yeah yeah yeah. why don't you and i combine?