Thursday, November 24, 2011

in your head

because you are so right
about being
all the time
and it 
hurts to say

i hear you standing
with righteous indignation
and it makes
the fury inside
of my heart

but not for good
only destroys my
which is different than my soul.
thanks be to god.

spirit can be built back up
but soul can be stolen
and while i may have let you
get in before,
i will not now.  never again
because i can see your heart's intent
and it isn't what comes across
and you are scared and hurt just like all of us
but you are letting that do the talking
decision making
twisting my words
spinning them round to always be upright 
when they hadn't even existed.
before you created them
in your head.

and i won't stand for this anymore
i won't take it sitting down
because this tornado in my heart has seen
it's last.

i sit down
below the conflicting waves that float above my head
and choose not to stand
for immersion is the worst 
kind of drama
and i don't swim in pollution.

Friday, November 11, 2011

the way we think

it's important to think of things that do not exist.

in our current realities
or maybe ever
things that fly away like a bat out of hell
and we're not quite sure if we should follow them.

stay behind
in the cave
dark and damp and

the light beckons
and though we don't know what it means, we know
this one truth:
it is the difference between where we are now
and where
we could

because we exist
in a whole new way today
than we did yesterday
or even a minute ago
if we let ourselves
into the light.

it's important to think of things that do not exist.

Monday, November 7, 2011

the black and white of it

let's all agree we know what i'm posting about, huh?
let's all say it boils down to these three things:

  1. love/god/love...
  2. life's ups and downs
  3. singleness
that first one, i think that's pretty normal, and frankly so is the second.
the third however, it presents a real serious problem, right?
like, what will i do when i finally am in a romantic relationship, huh?
my writing will be reduced down to *gasp* happysappy posts about how i never knew it could feel this way and the sky has never looked so blue and omg his HANDS they're just wonderful! AND a picture of the lord, amiright #amiright?!?!  


the alternative, but slightly worse option, of no posts at all.
or, maybe that would be for the best.  
i'm trying not to take myself too seriously here, life is too short for that.
i know that this moment is not the one defining moment of my life.
god is bigger than this
and he made me to be as well.

the gray

it hovers almost as palpably
as the
stratus and cumulus
above me.
making me wish a cozy cup of tea and a comfy couch
could make this book all that i wanted today.

but the feeling doesn't go away,
and no matter how positive i am
that what i am doing
is right
and good
and fully me
and alive
it is similarly still


and it won't go away.

for today the gray is inside
and that is worse.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

soaring on the hike

wake up
no, your alarm hasn't gone off yet
poke your arm out from under the comforter
breathe deeply the remnants of sleep
let your eyelids slide into this new gift
new day

wake up
turn off your alarm
no, don't hit snooze
jump out of bed in a panicked rush
exclaim when you realize you have to shower
hit your arm on the door in your room
change shirts three times.
new day.

wake up
no, you don't have an alarm set for today
it's full of silence and possibilities
shake off the idea that you must get up
then decide to anyway
make a leisurely breakfast and feel lonely at the thought of more free time
spent unassumingly by yourself.
new day.

wake up
no, you didn't go back to sleep any of those times
you got up.
but each time, you felt something very distinct, very full.
and so i challenge you

go live it now.
don't go back to sleep
wake up.
new day.

glass box

sometimes i don't understand this living life with other people thing.
sometimes i am shown up.  sometimes i am shown down.
sometimes i do not show up at all but i wish i was there instead of here.
because here i am stuck on top of this glass box, staring down at these people who think they are free.
our minds are our own, let us use them to be filled with our hearts!
to be taken away
from a society who tells us it's all about
and over to

love.  one another.  more than you love yourselves.


no matter what challenges are in front of you
face them

try something you're afraid of

live life now

that's an idea worth spreading.

-chris colwell

Thursday, November 3, 2011

don't tell me what to post

post this my friends
i mean, eat it.  with all you are.
we are all the 99%
the marginalized
the few
the one who has suffered
the most.

until we realize this
we are all the
the rest of the world
angrily shouting
"hey! i didn't get mine!"
and the ones taking from our neighbors
instead of giving

closing our doors and the minds of our children
and our hearts
and shutting the mouths
that ask to be fed
the souls, nourishing
walking past the majority who wants
just a moment
of our
so precious to us we couldn't possibly stop
because when we do
our reality crumbles
and the walls fall down
into a heap like a costume
sliding to the floor
and we have to
the 99%

and we are all it.

"he has told you, o man, what is good;
and what does the lord require of you
but to do justice, love kindness,
and to walk humbly with your god?"

-the book of micah, chapter 6, verse 8

silent conversation

it dings
and sings
a fresh hope 
into your heart.

you pick it up
and open the words
and show the world your smile
as it's sender sees naught

eagerly anticipate 
as you wait
what the message might say.

delight fills the room as
your grin once more alights
on a tune
to the phrase you read

harmless lip health.