Sunday, December 2, 2012

for the time is now

forgive me for my fears they speak
so loudly in all I do
right now
this outburst it isn't me
that you see
but my night terrors
so dark
I can only cling to the scrap of
furthest away I can see
that they might in fact, be untrue.

you are real.
so am I.
but the distance and newness makes all this
goodness seem a figment of my imagination
most unkind
rather than the purest truth I have known;
part of me that I met
with you.

venture further with me down this path of unknowing and hold my hand.
we will let go as we find ourselves in this bigger painting,
all the paths we must take alone
as they are part of who we are separate,

I am learning.
be patient with this new love, my love.
draw a space for me
right next to fear
and be assured
I will choose love every time.

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